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COVID-19 Update - February, 2020

Dear Client,

As you are more than likely aware, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) which was largely contained to several Chinese provinces for the past month has been identified in several additional countries.

Travel related disruption due to the COVID-19 situation has been relatively minor, despite extensive news reporting on several, more prominent incidents. Classic Travel & Tours continues to monitor the implications that this health situation could pose for our clients globally and have been actively involved in conversations with clients whose travel plans or locations included China or geographically proximate destinations.

Similar to SARS and other previous global virus outbreaks, the majority of experts believe that this outbreak can and will ultimately be controlled with prudent preparation and precautionary measures. We understand the concerns that our clients may have surrounding future travel. Please be assured that, as your advocate, we will be diligent in monitoring the worldwide effects of the virus on travel and will continue to inform and advise you accordingly.

For destination specific updates, the CDC has a travelers’ health link by country available on its website

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